Zhen Ding Tech. Group values the opinions and rights of employees and advocates that everyone has the right to participate in the management of the company on an equal footing. All employees are welcome to give their opinions and suggestions on the management of the company or to complain about the unreasonable aspects of the company and its management level. In order to better understand the needs of our employees, Zhen Ding Tech. Group has appointed employee relations officers in each department to care for our employees at all levels and to provide more diverse channels to protect their rights and interests. In addition to a number of channels for employee feedback, the identity of the complainants is kept confidential, and the complaint records are kept by dedicated personnel. The complaints are handled and responded to immediately to effectively increase employee satisfaction.
Zhen Ding Tech. Group
Communication Channels
Work-Life Balance
Human Rights Risk Mitigation Measures
To mitigate human rights risks and ensure that the work environment, labor health and safety, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations are maintained during the work process, the Company conducts human rights protection-related training and promotion for employees in accordance with the concept corporate social responsibility. The training and promotion are mainly conducted through online and offline courses, announcements, communication channels, posters, SER policy cards, and promotion meetings. In 2020, the total number of training hours for human rights protection exceeded 500,000 hours, and 100% of employees have completed human rights-related training. Zhen Ding Tech. Group will continue to promote related education and training to raise awareness on human rights protection.