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Zhen Ding Tech. Group

#Latest News
06Jun 2024

May 2024 Monthly Revenue Report

Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited (Ticker: 4958), a global leading PCB manufacturer, today reported May 2024 revenue of NT$10,639 million, up 28.6% YoY, reaching the second highest for the same period in the company’s history. For January through May 2024, cumulative revenue reached NT$54,207 million, up 15.4% YoY.
According to Zhen Ding, its May revenue has continued to deliver a significant YoY increase. All four major product applications, including Mobile Communication, Computers and Consumer Electronics, Automotive/Server/Base Station and IC Substrate, each reached double-digit YoY growth. For the first five months of the year, revenue for IC substrate delivered the highest growth, which has doubled compared to the same period last year, in line with the company’s previous expectation. Download as PDF