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Zhen Ding Tech. Group


Which stock exchanges are Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited traded on? What is the Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited stock code?

The shares of Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) in 2011, under the stock code "4958".


When was Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited incorporated?

Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited (Taiwan Stock Exchange Ticker: 4958) is engaged in the research, development, production and sales of a wide range of flexible printed circuit boards (FPC) and modules, high-density interconnect (HDI) PCBs, substrate-like PCBs (SLP), Mini LED ultra-thin boards, IC substrate and multi-layer rigid printed circuit boards (RPCB) for a wide range of applications including computer information, consumer electronics, networking, automotive electronics, high-performance computing and medical fields. We provide one-stop shopping for all-round solutions to our customers.


What is the company's dividend payout over the years?

You can find the company's dividend history on our web site in the section of “Stock and Dividend” ( for relevant information.


Does the company issue quarterly earnings reports on a regular basis?

The Company regularly files quarterly reports. Please visit our website in the section of “financial information” ( for relevant information.


Who are the company's top-10 shareholders?

1. FOXCONN (Far East) Limited (Number of shares: 305,515,627; shareholding: 32.26%)
2. Yuanta / P-shares Taiwan Dividend Plus ETF (Number of shares: 36,164,951; shareholding: 3.82%)
3. Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (Number of shares: 30,148,000; shareholding: 3.18%)
4. Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. In custody for Fuh Hwa Taiwan Technology Dividend Highlight ETF Securities Investment Trust Fund Account (Number of shares: 28,523,000; shareholding: 3.01%)
5. Custodial Account (LGT Bank AG) Used by Standard Chartered (Number of shares: 20,503,000; shareholding: 2.17%)
6. Bureau of Labor Funds (Number of shares: 15,382,630; shareholding: 1.62%)
7. Standard Chartered Bank in custody for LGT Bank (Asia) (Number of shares: 13,916,000p; shareholding: 1.47%)
8. China Life Insurance Company (Number of shares: 13,043,000; shareholding: 1.38%)
9. Standard Chartered in custody for Fidelity Fund (Number of shares: 11,095,000; shareholding: 1.17%)
10. JPMorgan in custody for Fidelity Funds – Asia Pacific Opportunities Fund Investment Fund (Number of shares: 8,457,000; shareholding: 0.89%)

As of April 1, 2024
Source: The company's 2023 Annual Report


Who are the company's major shareholders with a shareholding ratio of more than 5% according to the latest quarterly financial statement?

1. Foxconn (Far East) Limited (number of shares: 305,515,627 shares; shareholding: 32.26%)

Source: 1Q24 financial statement